Thursday, December 30, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

메리 크리스마스 and 새해 복 많이!!!

Being that I'm excellent on keeping you all up to date on my life, I decided my 'card' this year will be short and sweet.

I had one helluva year - if you don't remember, refer to the previous blog posts!

I am so thankful and grateful for everyone in my life. You have made a significant impact on my being and I don't know what I'd do without you.

I hope you all had a great Christmas and were able to spend it with the ones you love. I'm looking forward to hearing all of your New Year's resolutions, and I'm especially looking forward to watching you forget then by March! :)

Some quotes I stumbled upon:

May all your troubles last as long as your New Year's resolutions. ~Joey Adams

I think in terms of the day's resolutions, not the year's. ~Henry Moore

New Year's is a harmless annual institution, of no particular use to anybody save as a scapegoat for promiscuous drunks, and friendly calls and humbug resolutions. ~Mark Twain

This weekend I will spend the New Year with my family in Gyeongju. Koreans are nuts about watching the first sunrise of the year - so I'm counting on being up early.
Be safe and thankful!

Love you!

PS Santa said I was pretty freaking cool this year!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Birth Family Meeting ^^

Hey everyone!

Well, the BIG weekend has come and gone. Over the last few days I've obtained extra family members. The number - unknown. I can't even break all the information down that I received so we'll just start with the basics.

I met my father's side of the family this last weekend. I did meet my mother's mom also, just for a few hours. Each of my parents have 4 siblings, so I have a little bit of an uncommon situation. I think back in the day it was expensive to have a lot of kids, that's why you typically see 2 kid families in Korea - then AND even NOW.

My father has an older brother, two twin sisters, and a younger sister. He is the 2nd oldest. I met everyone including my grandmother, his older brother's wife, a sisters' husband, and one cousin. I'm sure I'll get to meet EVERYONE soon enough.

I fit in like a glove with my father's family. From what I can see (literally) I've taken on those genes. They are loud, hilarious, and love to drink....ring any bells? They actually did mention that my personality fit in well with theirs. They are extremely close and love to give gifts...ringing any more bells? Also, some of the first questions they asked me were about special skills or talents I
had. I told them I was handy with my hands and that I loved making things (ie furniture, cards...etc.). Apparently my grandfather and possibly his father were carpenters so it's definitely a family skill. Guess what else I found out...? I was also informed that my sister was a make-up artist and one of my twin aunts is an Esthetician (well, in Korean standards...probably no waxing involved, but she's into skin care). All in all it's a match. So, we'll just have to see what kind of traits I notice from my mother's side.

What went down:

I arrived at the adoption agency with my friend Dru and it was all locked up. They aren't open on Sundays. I got a call and the social worker told me that my family was there waiting for me. She said that my mother, father, brother, sister, aunts, and some cousins were all waiting for me.
When we walked into the office we were instructed to go downstairs and they would be waiting there. I walked down and was bombarded with hugs and tears. Strangely enough, I didn't cry - a little shaky though. My sister was a sobbing mess. We sat down on some couches and then awkwardly stared at each other. They social worker had some letters that my birth mother had written to me and my mom, and she translated them for me. Dru was a little shaky and couldn't seem to get the words out. The letters were great. Sweet and to the point, explaining a bit about the situation they were in when I was born - they also seemed extremely thankful to my parents and that was expressed in the letter to mom.

After some photo exchanges and a brief question and answer session, we headed out to Gwangju to have lunch. We had lunch right as we approached Gwangju at a little beef restaurant. Gwangju is east of Seoul and extremely cold - I believe there was snow and ice the ground still. We had a great lunch and was able to get more questioned answered.

Lunch came and went and we headed to see my parents and brother's house. Gwangju is not a big city so they live in a small apartment complex. There Dru and I sat down for a photo album session. They showed us pictures of their wedding, friends and co-workers, different places in Busan, and pics of the family. They even had some pictures of my mom when she was pregnant wit me.

Another ride in the car to Daegu, reunited me with my suitcase, and then in the car again to our final destination. We stayed the night in Gyeongju where my sister and Aunt (plus, uncle?, and cousin). We ate food, drank lots and go to know each other more. One thing I found out was quite interesting.... when I was born I was very sick - I believe pneumonia, and was incubated as soon as I was born. Right then and there my birth parents had to make a decision on whether or not they could keep me. With the medical bills so high, they were forced to either pay up front for my medical treatment or give me up for adoption so the state could pay. They had no way of getting the money and were forced to give me up for adoption. Quite interesting and changes my story a whole lot. I believe my father still feels saddened by this.

The weekend ended with a little bit of site seeing in the ancient city of Gyeongju and then a sleepy ride home to Busan. In Busan, they really got to know me....MESSY apartment and all. No surprise there. We had some dinner and then they were off! I definitely had a few more drinks when they left. :)

Overall, the experience was epic. Definitely something I will never forget. I plan on continuing staying in contact with them - although communication is rough, if there's a will there's a way. I think they are a little saddened that they didn't have much time to get to know me, but we can just blame the agency for that. Through this whole experience I've realized that I wouldn't change my life for ANYTHING. This does not change who I am. I will not let this affect me in a way that makes me give any second thoughts to who I am, where I come from, and makes me appreciate even MORE the life I've lived. I've experienced so much and owe more than words can express to my family back at home (yes, the Thompson's) for giving me the best life. I've been so fortunate and loved.

Thanks friends and family for creating this crazy Jin. Genes may have blessed me with larger than life boobs and a thirst for alcoholic beverages, but my environment gave me memories, appreciation, love, and MY LIFE!

Love you guys more than you know!

See you all in March - Less than 3 months away!

Monday, December 13, 2010

With Korea Comes Life Changing Happenings!

Well, if you haven't heard yet, you're out of the loop.

A few weeks ago I was contacted by the social worker at my adoption agency here in Korea. I've been writing back and forth to a few ladies that are helping me find my birth parents. According to her e-mail, she had found a physical address for my birth mother in Gwangju, just east of Seoul. The next plan of action was for her (the social worker) to contact the birth mother (as we'll call her) through mail, and see if she'd be willing to speak with her.

A few weeks later, she contacted me via e-mailing letting me know that my birth parents were excited and nervous to hear about me. They wanted detailed information about me and when a good time to meet was. I also found out that my adoption paperwork wasn't necessarily correct. According to my paperwork, my birth father might have never known about me, but according to the social worker, my birth parents are MARRIED and I have a full brother and sister. Crazy huh??

I'm heading up this weekend to meet them with my friend Dru - he's been in the same situation so he's a perfect companion on this crazy experience that's about to happen!

I don't have too many details, but I'll be sure to write back when I've come back!

Love you and all thanks for helping make me who I am today!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


Movember - the charitable rave going on in Busan, Korea. Why have I never heard about this before? Maybe it wasn't as catchy in Seattle as it is in Canada? Who knows? Anyway, can't walk around this city without seeing a foreigner sportin a mustache. In support of men's health issues, such as Prostate Cancer and Depression, guys were growing out as much facial hair as possible to help raise money. Last weekend was the official party for finishing out the month of mustaches. They had an auction, donations, t-shirts, etc. in order to get the last of the charitable contributions.

November was a pretty busy month. Three of my friends had babies, Chelsey and Kyle found out they are having a girl (lil Claire), I had a few business trips for school, an ice skating field trip, birthdays, open classes, and Thanksgiving of course.

Ice skating was soo fun. I got a kick out of watching my silly students falling everywhere. Seems as if it's a little bit of KARMA going back to the students that have never been good...I say this with an evil grin on my face. It was a great day and full of laughs. I'll be sure to post pics soon.

Thanksgiving. Well, I managed to stress myself out again - always nice. I had approximately 15 people over at my house. This year I moved furniture to create more space, and added some extra tables and chairs. It turned out great! I was a bit rushed feeling by the time everyone got there, but the food was hot, and DELICIOUS! This year we managed to get a turkey - for 120,000 won. EXPENSIVE..that's about 100 USD. But, so worth it. Anyway, we managed to have a great Thanksgiving and I am thankful for so much this year. I'm also thankful I won't ever have to have Thanksgiving in a studio apartment again.

Hope the start of the holidays was great for you all, and hope that no one was trampled on Black Friday.