Monday, February 15, 2010

Happy 설날! (Lunar New Year)

Hey guys!

It's been months! Yes, I realize this. Soooorrryyy!

Well, the holidays came and went, and let me tell you....nothing like being at home.

I believe I wrote to you all about Thanksgiving...which ended up being a great time with friends, but Christmas (I will admit) was a bit depressing. The hype of the holidays in Korea are no where NEAR what it is like being in the states. At home, we're constantly reminded by the media, the decorations at stores, and our own home decorations....but in Korea - meh, nothing to get excited about. In Korea, Christmas is a lover's holiday - not much for family time. I ended up watching Avatar in the theater Christmas Eve night, spend the rest of the evening til the morning out and about, and sleeping in til 4pm on Christmas Day. Nothing to brag about. It definitely felt like any other day. I didn't do absolutely nothing....I went out to dinner with some other foreigners and had dinner at a foreign bar. It was good - but nothing like a home cooked Christmas meal.

I did receive some very nice cards, pictures, and some gifts!! Too bad I couldn't wait til Christmas - opened everything before or after, so that really didn't add to the spirit.

January - as most of you know by now, was an exciting month for me! My visit home!! It was incredible. I was able to catch up with my family, great friends, and some an enormous amount of money on American goods and services. It was all worth it!

I was able to spend about 3.5 weeks eating and talking. And that's about all I did, well add a little shopping in as well. It was perfect. I had the chance to go to Seattle and have a big girls' dinner, see the grandparents, go skiing with mom and dad, and took a trip to Victoria mention just a few things that I fit in.

It was a great vacation - filled with relaxation as well, but I will say, a big part of me is glad to be back in Korea. I'm a little anxious and excited what this next year has in store for me. I'm looking forward to making more money and traveling.

Miss you all and stay in touch! I love hearing how you are all doing and what's new in your worlds!

Updates and pics more often...promise!


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